Leviton 3 Way Switch. Not all three-way switches have these terminals placed in the same configuration, so you have to pay attention to their colors (and the instructions that come with the package) when wiring them. The second switch has three wires, with ground coming from the first switch, and two wires with ground leading to the light fixture.

Not all three-way switches have these terminals placed in the same configuration, so you have to pay attention to their colors (and the instructions that come with the package) when wiring them.
So, to turn the light on, she carefully negotiates the stairs to the top, and flips on the switch.
The second switch has three wires, with ground coming from the first switch, and two wires with ground leading to the light fixture. How do I go about this?? And adding a four-way switch to the mix can make an already difficult job even more confusing.